greyhound predictor

it's not a game? it's a science!

Register Greyhound Predictor v2.0

Registration for the full version costs only $15.00 US dollars!

If you would like to register please click the "Buy Now" button below. Please note, you will at present require a paypal account to register. During the process you need to enter your details and will receive a confirmation email when payment is complete. Once your payment is authorised, you will receive one further email containing your registration code.

Important! Please read before purchasing:

Greyhound Predictor is free to download, install, and run in trial mode. No code or registration is required. It is for this reason that Greyhound Predictor reserves the right to refuse refund of any registration fee paid. If you haven't yet installed Greyhound Predictor on your computer, one is available to download here. If you have any problems running the GPv2.0 program, then please do not register! Instead, contact us for support before proceeding.

Registration Complete

When you have received your registration code, please follow these steps:

  • highlight your registration code
  • right click and copy
  • start Greyhound Predictor
  • on the start-up screen press "Enter Code"
  • right click in the appropriate box and select paste

Once the code has been entered, Greyhound Predictor v2.0 will be unlocked to a full version and will not display the start-up screens again or be limited to only one race per start-up.

If you have any problems during any stage of registration please let us know.